Featured Products at Virtual IMS2021

The International Microwave Symposium (IMS) 2021 virtual event will bring together technologists involved in all aspects of microwave theory and practice. From June 22-24, 2021 we invite you to connect with pSemi directly in the virtual exhibition. The virtual platform will be on-demand until July 25, 2021.

Disruptive Companies Invited to 2021 Open Innovation Event

Building on last year’s success, Murata Electronics and pSemi, a Murata company, announced they are teaming up again with nonprofit technology incubator, EvoNexus, to engage with emerging companies. Opportunities include technology development, product and channel partnerships, IP licensing, and potential equity investment.

Capacitive-Based Power Architectures Gain Ground – The June issue of IEEE

The June issue of IEEE Power Electronics Magazine features an “Expert View” article written by pSemi senior director of strategic marketing, Stephen J. Allen. In the article titled “Capacitive-Based Power Architectures Gain Ground,” he describes how the power industry has been focused on pushing switching frequencies higher and exploring alternative FET technologies.

pSemi Holiday Happenings

During November and December, pSemi employees helped to make the holidays merry and bright for those less fortunate—and also took time for self-care and to celebrate a successful year.


Power Management

Power Management

RF Mixers & Limiters

Front End Modules

RF Tx/Rx Modules

RF Phase & Amplitude Control

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